netspaceindia domain transfer namecheap

If you are reading, how to transfer your domains from NetSpaceIndia to Namecheap, then for sure you must have read my previous review on NetSpaceIndia. The comparison of different file host is an eye-opener for Indian domain sellers and webmasters that how are they being looted. If you are moving to Namecheap then be relaxed as you are going to experience best services in domain registration.

Now, steps to transfer your domain;

1. First of all, login to your NetSpaceIndia member’s control panel.
2. Click the “Service link” present in front of your domain name. It will take you to domain management page.

netspaceindia domain transfer namecheap

3. Look for “Lock/Unlock” option present in menu. Click it.

netspaceindia registrar lock geekact

4. Next screen will show the status of your domain. Hit ‘Unlock this domain’.

5. Wait for some seconds for page to reload. The status of the domain will change from ‘Locked’ to ‘Unlocked’.

6. Now, go to option ‘Secret’ present just next to ‘Lock/Unlock’ option. Click it.

7. A domain secret key will be shown for that domain. This is the EPP code you will need to transfer the domain to Namecheap.

netspaceindia epp secret code namecheap

8. Now, go to Select ‘Transfer a domain’ from ‘Domain’ menu. In later steps you will be asked to login to your Namecheap account. If you don’t have one, you can create it on the fly.

9. You will be provided box to enter the domains you want to transfer to Namecheap. Enter them all without ‘http’ or ‘www’. Make sure that your domain TLD is supported by Namecheap. At writing of this article, Namecheap doesn’t support ‘’ domains.

10. Hit ‘Start Transfer’. Next page will show that whether your domain is transferable or not. It depends on many conditions. If you have enough time for domain expiry (at least 3 days) and unlocked the domain, there won’t be any problem.

11. Hit ‘Add to cart’. Next page will show you the charges and other details. There is a small option/link under domain name saying ‘Set EPP Code’. Click it and put your secret key which you copied from NetSpaceIndia.

netspaceindia transfer code namecheap

12. Now, if you have any coupons which are applicable to this transfer, you can use it here. This will provide you furthermore discount.

13. Hit Checkout. Next screen will ask you to either login or create a new account. Do whatever is applicable for you.

14. When you are done with payments, you will receive an e-mail saying that eNom received registrar transfer request to Namecheap. There is a link at bottom which says that ‘you must click this link to accept the transfer’. Click it and provide affirmation on next page.

15. Now you will also receive e-mail from NetSpaceIndia. You should not click the link given in that e-mail as it is only when you want to stop the transfer. For next 5 days NSI will wait for any objection from your side and after that domain will be transferred to Namecheap. You will receive a confirmatory mail from NC.

Enjoy. You are now in hands of one of the most loved registrar.

By Mrinal Buddekar

Data Manager and a technology enthusiast! Mrinal Buddekar is Pune based blogger who loves building server, websites, technology, and affiliate blogging.

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